Organizational Assessment

This Organizational Assessment is a tool to help your organization honestly and realistically assess your existing culture and practices and how these contribute to the creation of an age and ability inclusive environment.

Click here to print a PDF of the assessment rubric.

This assessment will help you to:

  • deepen your awareness of how ageism and ableism operate at all levels within an organization, including individual interactions to policies, procedures, and strategic plans.
  • open a dialogue and begin an on-going conversation about ageism and ableism that is the starting point to a longer-term journey for your organization.
  • celebrate areas where you are making a positive difference regarding ageism and ableism within your organization.
  • identify practical steps your organization can take to decrease ageism and ableism.
  • mark your organization’s progress over time in creating an age and ability inclusive culture and environment.

Before getting started:

To assist with scoring and responding to the assessment, you can print out the organizational assessment and follow along.

After completing the assessment, use this customizable action plan template to guide your next steps. We encourage you to add your organizational branding and flair to this template.

Click here to print a PDF of the action plan template.

How to Use the Organizational Assessment

Step 1: Create many opportunities for involvement.

It is important to communicate widely about your desire to work towards age and ability inclusion in your senior living community. Explain simply to all key stakeholders (residents/tenants, family members, and staff) why you are engaged in this work and what you hope to accomplish. Invite anyone who is interested to take part in the organizational assessment but respect individuals’ preferences as to whether they contribute or not. Do not assume that those who choose not to contribute are not interested.

People often like to choose the way in which they will be involved in something. You can create many opportunities for involvement, ranging from taking part in the assessment, to helping to prioritize the resulting actions, to receiving feedback about the findings. And remember that many hands make light work!