Ways to Get Started

Get started building an inclusive environment with all of or a domain of the Organizational Assessment, Assessing the Physical Environment, Shared Conversations about Age and Ability, or Individual Tools

There is no one or “right” way to begin or continue working toward an organizational culture that is inclusive of people regardless of their age or their physical and/or cognitive ability.

You can think about this like a circular space with many doors leading into it. You can walk through any of the doors to enter that space - in other words, you can start from any place that feels right for your organization.

Whichever doorway you choose to begin your journey through, it is helpful to think about this as a journey with many steps, each of which will bring you closer to your goal. Here are some actionable steps to help you get started:

Step 1: Establish a shared understanding of age and ability inclusion, ageism, and ableism.

Making sure everyone shares an understanding of what age and ability inclusion means, and how ageism and ableism work against it is like taking a compass with you on your journey. It will help keep you pointed in the right direction. There is a Glossary of Terms that will help you to begin this process.