Quality Assurance

All successful organizations have systems in place to monitor their progress towards the goals they set for themselves and to ensure that they are delivering quality services. This also applies to an organization’s journey to achieve age and ability inclusion.

To assist with scoring and responding to the assessment, you can print out the Organizational Assessment Form and follow along.

Click here to print a PDF of the assessment rubric.

For each statement, respond with: Fully Met, Partially Met, Not Met, Don’t Know, or Not Applicable (NA). Also take a moment to write down for each statement the things that you can improve, and the good things that you can build on.

Domain G Assessment

G1. There is a system in place to measure our organization’s performance over time in its journey to age and ability inclusion.

G2. Our organization uses strategies and processes to evaluate whether staff members with diverse lived experience (based on age, ability, intersectional identities) feel valued at the organization.

G3. Our organization has a mechanism for individuals to report if they have experienced age and/or ability discrimination.

G4. Our organization has a mechanism for responding to individuals who have reported that they have experienced age and/or ability discrimination.

G5. Residents/tenants and family members are given opportunities to evaluate our services and offer their suggestions for improvement in anonymous and/or confidential ways (e.g. suggestion boxes, regular satisfaction surveys, etc.).

G6. People with diverse lived experience (based on age, ability, intersectional identities) are invited to share their thoughts, ideas and experiences with our organization.